Jacob Wigger and Shani Brown (USA)
Over 15 years Shani Brown has social danced and spent time honing her pure bal and slow bal skills with Dean Raftery, whose Slow Bal dancing forms the very roots of the dance we know today. Over this time Dean offered guidance and feedback for greater understanding of his approach to dancing and the feeling he wanted from a partner. Unsurprisingly, Shani is an absolute mine of information about Slow Bal as it was danced by him, as well as various tidbits of history and technique theorems.
Together, Jacob and Shani have received direct feedback from Dean on their classes.
Now with guest teachers Mickey & Kelly, Andreas & Olga, as well as Gašper & Anni. All are well known throughout the world and highly popular for their Slow Bal teaching.
So if you love Slow Bal, or just curious to find out more, this event is not to be missed.